Light truck chassis
Light and manoeuvrable units
+ does not require a special driving licence
+ high manoeuvrability
+ no time restriction on driving
+ low price per square meter
+ total accessibility to inner-city area
+ up to 10 sqm
Truck chassis
The widest range of solutions
+ good manœuvrability up to 7,5m long, above this level, an articulated set will be more convenient
+ accessibility to inner-city area possible under certain conditions
+ Body length up to 10m
+ large range of products and configurations from 5 to 26 tons, and from 4x2 to 8x8
+ extensions installation possible to increase the volume of the arrangements
+ high freedom in the choice of the arrangements and functions
+ up to 45 sqm once deployed
The largest volumes
+ extensions installation possible to increase the volume of the arrangements
+ useable body length, width and height; useful weight and load only limited by the Highway Code of the destination country
+ highest freedom in internal height
+ highest freedom in the choice of the arrangements and functions
+ better manoeuvrability than a truck chassis of equivalent length
+ complete independance of the bodywork from the motor element (maintenance, breakdown, dilapidation, ...)
+ the motor element is shareable , interchangeable and available for rent, potentially with the driver
+ up to 90 sqm once deployed
Container & Cradle
International transportation standards
+ manufacturing time
+ low price per square meter
+ adapted for occasional travels
+ easy ground accessibility and possible adaptation for a use on a truck or trailer
+ its conformity to strict international standards allows a perfect interoperability
+ up to 76 sqm